Overview - Assignments

Assignments now are received automatically, and appear in the workfile views pane. By default, when each new assignment is received, a notification popup message appears in the lower right corner of the screen for all users. You can click on the popup message to view the assignment details.

Each assignment notification appears as a message in the My Work Dashboard. Assignment notifications can be directed to specific users and Notification Groups. New messages appear as an envelope opening at the top of the menu bar regardless of the view selected.

To view assignments from the Quick Search or Advanced Search screens, select New from the Status droplist to view assignments in the search results pane. Each assignment has a status of New Assignment in the Updates column, and a green radio antenna icon next to the insurance company name.

When an assignment originating from a new insurance company or claim office is received, the program prompts you to create the profile if one does not exist. This occurs when you accept the assignment. All users can remain in the program when this action is performed.

Note: Receiving assignments via fax has been discontinued in CCC ONE.



See Also

Accepting an Assignment

Merging an Assignment with a Manually Created Workfile

Working With Supplement Assignments

Printing an Assignment







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